Mr. A. Dhipak Prince M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.B.A.
Assistant Professor
Mr. A. Dhipak Prince M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.B.A. is an enthusiastic learner and passionate teacher. His teaching methodology is designed to suit the needs of individual learners. He believes in providing a conducive environment for the learning and growth of the students. He has expertise in subjects like Microbiology, Immunology, Biotechnology and Drug Metabolism. He has published papers in International journals, and also he attended various conferences and webinars at the National and International levels.
M.phil Thesis Title:
Study on Quantitative and Qualitative assessment on phytochemical activity and in-vitro study on anti oxidant and anti microbial activity of various organic extracts.
Publication details:
Impact factor: 6.079
(Volume 7,issue 3. V7l3-1972).
Publications and presentations:
Paper publication – (02) International.
Paper presentation- (3) District level.
Poster presentation: 4